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Affdex provides instant feedback on ads based on viewers facial expressions

Affectiva Inc.’s Affdex app reads a viewer’s facial expressions on seeing an ad & provides instant feedback about his/her reactions & emotions to the advertiser.

When we converse with somebody we can tell their emotions by their facial expressions & movements. But computers normally find it difficult to accomplish the same task. Affectiva examined the facial expressions of thousands of people across the world & found a way to interpret subtle changes in expressions almost instantly. Their app reads tiny facial changes & gauges viewers’ feelings, accordingly, & thus provided instant feedback about the ads to clients.

Affectiva launched its Affdex app for Tablets & smartphones in August 2013. The company uses the mobile app to reach more customers & attract health-tracking, Online education & mobile gaming companies that require feedback on their ads.

Affectiva’s customers are mostly marketing firms that use Affdex to analyze subjects’ reactions to ads. They get feedback about when the subjects look engaged, get confused, lose interest, etc. This enables the companies to create more effective ads to sell their products.

Affectiva says it has made digital analysis of viewers’ responses faster, cheaper & viable for a large base of consumers. The firm says even fleeting reactions to an advertisement can be important to advertisers.

Affdex has coded more than a billion facial expressions captured from people around the world as they watched various media. This coding was used to make software that accurately recognizes various feelings & emotions like anger or happiness.

Affdex claims its database of expressions is the world’s largest & is used in 53 nations. Thus, the company is able to offer scale as well as worldwide usage which enables its clients to produce ads with consistent global messages.

This product has been used by Unilever, PepsiCo & Coca-Cola among others to gauge viewers’ reactions to their commercials.

Affectiva Inc. was founded in 2009 by MIT scientists Rana el Kaliouby & Rosalind Picard. The company is based in Waltham, MA in the US. In 2011, Affectiva raised US $5.7 million to commercialize its Affdex emotion technology.

Watch this video to learn how Affdex works:

Image Credit: Affdex
Video Credit: YouTube/Affdex

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This new startup monetizes your blog without much effort on your part

This new startup Skyscraper says it is a “simple revenue management & optimization” service for bloggers. So what does that really mean?

Skyscraper claims to help bloggers monetize their Content, fast & easy. These guys claim to the “heavy lifting”, where sourcing & placing ads on your blog are concerned, leaving, as they say, bloggers to do what they do best – blog. This new startup allows advertisers to discover & buy your ads easily, even when you’re not available.

Skyscraper, founded by a small team of dedicated & expert online advertisers lead by Paul Burger, helps bloggers choose & display running ads on their Sites. Located in San Francisco, USA, the new Internet startup was launched in February this year.

Here’s how Skyscraper helps bloggers monetize their Online businesses & boost income.

  • They can help you post ads to your blog by a simple drag & drop process.
  • Skyscraper can help bloggers create an easy-to-use kit for their media marketing efforts in just seconds.
  • Bloggers can focus on 1 place to manage on-going business for all of their money generating transactions.

This new startup offers more ways to widen your market, including affiliate advertising that enables you link to other affiliate sites that will increase revenue from your post. Sponsoring your Content is also possible through Skyscraper. These guys can also recommend your Content to direct advertisers even when you are not at work.

Signing up for Skyscraper is free for bloggers; only advertisers need to pay, using any of the major credit cards. Startups information will be provided by Skyscraper to improve your Content & to have an effective team work from your co-bloggers.

Skyscraper offers such resources to bloggers like a fast sign-up process to secure ongoing advertisement selling. It also features a dashboard that presents bloggers with a daily picture of their advertisements status.

Before I sign off, check the video below to better understand how Skyscraper works.


Image Credit: Skyscraper/Pinterest
Video Credit: Skyscraper/Vimeo

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