Use Tweriod to tweet

There is a tool now that tells you the best time to tweet. Meet Tweriod

Good news for Twitter users. A “friend” has arrived to enable them to tweet at the right place & the right time … so get to know it better.

Tweriod  (Pronounced as Twe – roid…..a service that improves the performance and effectiveness of your twitter posts) is a social networking tool that screens your Twitter account completely & then tells you the best time to tweet your posts.

This is how this India-located startup works:

tweroid1You simply go on the website & sign in with your Twitter account, & then give Tweriod permission to check your account. The tool then tracks down all the followers from your Twitter account along with their last 200 tweets, your own past 200 tweets as well the people that you are following on Twitter. Based on the information gathered from this data, it draws up analytical charts indicating the best times when your followers are most active & also tells you the possibility of getting maximum response to your tweets. The information is so systematic & in-depth that it even throws light on facts such as those followers who are active on weekdays & the ones who are more responsive on the weekends.

Once the reports are ready, you get a direct message in your Twitter account or an  email from this new Internet startup with all the graphs attached. The duration of receiving the reports ideally depends on the number of followers you haveon Twitter.

This is a very helpful tool in the sense that by giving such insights, one can gain maximum appreciation for his or her tweets. Tweriod can be put to good use by Online marketers, too.

This website offers a free analysis but here, you are restricted to 1000 followers & only one report per month. If you have a lot of people following you on Twitter, you can opt for the Premium package ranging between US $4 or $5.

The time zone that Tweriod follows to generate the reports is the one you have in your profile. This new Internet startup though has no connection with Twitter.

Image courtesy: Tweriod


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