
Online data extraction gets easier with this plugin called ConvExtra

Data extraction from the Online repository can be quite a task, as all of us know it by now.

So now there’s this new Internet startup called ConvExtra, a browser plugin that claims to extract data from websites, structure it in a proper manner, before serving it up. This SaaS automates the process of Web data extraction.

ConvExtra retrives data structures on a Web page, even the most unstructured ones. cooltext921482906All that users have to do to start the process is to install the plugin in their browers. A few clicks ensures that users can extract whatever data they want – from news reports to product reviews. All this without even leaving your source page.

This new Internet startup can be a boon for those into research or big data mining. Even those who are in fact not trained to do this kind of research. ConvExtra runs on auto-pilot once you have given it the necessary commands.

This new Internet startup is being run by three people – Chief Executive Officer Anton Napolsky, who was the prime mover of ConvExtra, and is a graduate from the University of St. Petersburg State University, Maxim Nosov & Eugeny Medvednikov. The new Internet startup was launched just over a month ago.

Image credit: ConvExtra


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