Microsoft hacked

Microsoft says it was hacked, too

All the big IT & Online companies seem to be falling like nine pins. After social network Facebook, micro-blog Twitter & Apple Inc., it was the turn of the world’s largest software company Microsoft to say it, too, was the target of a similar security intrusion.

In a blog post, General Manager, Trustworthy Computing Security Matt Thomlinson said,”Consistent with our security response practices, we chose not to make a statement during the initial information gathering process.”

He wrote that during its investigation, Microsoft had found a small number of computers, including some in the Mac business unit, which were infected by malicious software using techniques similar to those documented by other organizations. Matt said there was no evidence so far of any customer data being affected, adding that investigation was still on.

“This type of cyberattack is no surprise to Microsoft and other companies that must grapple with determined and persistent adversaries (see our prior analysis of emerging threat trends). We continually re-evaluate our security posture and deploy additional people, processes, and technologies as necessary to help prevent future unauthorized access to our networks,” said Matt, while signing off.

Image credit: Microsoft Corp.

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