Add features to your app in real time with Pusher

If you are an app developer, whether for the Web or smartphones, you will be aware that quite a lot of time can be lost while creating the infrastructure to develop them. New Internet startups in the app business should make use of all methods available that help them to cut down cost and time. Services provided by companies like Pusher can aid these kind of endeavors.

Pusher is a hosted service that allows developers to quickly & easily add realtime functionality into their web & mobile applications.

What this new Internet startup provides to app designers & developers is a method of building real time features into their web & mobile applications. The process, these guys claim, takes a few hours & not days. The APIs & libraries that this company provides  make it easy & convenient to maintain or increase features.

For new app designers, taking advantage of this kind of an option makes sense than getting outside third party professionals to maintain their development platform. Pusher allows them to keep control over their projects. Overall, it promises to reduce the risks as well as the stress that comes with the task of developing new apps.

Internet startups that use apps for whatever activity – streaming, notifications, provision of real time data, dashboards, chat abilities, or even multiplayer games, cannot afford any downtime for their apps. They, thus, need to ensure stress free running of websites or the apps, & this is where Pusher says it can help.

This new Web startup says it takes away the management & operations of a company’s real time infrastructure, so that developers can focus energy on the features of their product. Real time is an important trend in application development & leads to greater engagement & retention with customers.

The UK based Pusher provides client libraries for HTML5, iOS & Android, as well as a simple REST API for publishing messages to them from the client server. The Pusher Realtime Cloud is has clustered, fully redundant architecture which is hosted by Amazon EC2.

Potential customers can choose from free to premium plans to subscribe to Pusher.

Image credit: Pusher


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