WebPagetest: Find out how fast your Website is

Finding out how to speed up your Website can help increasing its visibility & traffic. To help users to optimize & gain the most out of their Websites, this tool WebPagetest has some tricks up its sleeve. A Website’s performance can be hampered by many areas like slow server connection, error in the JavaScript or even image “weight”. webpagetest.org offers an in-depth review of a Website, allows users to even commpare Websites.

WebPagetest displays the load time of your Web page as well as 6 different performance grades. If you click on ‘Page Speed’ after running a test, you’ll find an overall grade as well as a checklist of some suggested changes in order of importance for increasing your Website’s speed. Another cool feature of WebPagetest is the ability to select the country from which to run your test. This can be used to track how your speeds vary across the world.

webpagetestpageThe user can also select the browser which he/she is using for the Website. It takes almost a minute to run the test, & results are displayed in various tabs giving the overview in terms of figures & charts. The load time, first view & Content details are part of the summary in the results. Detailed analysis can be found on other tabs like performance review & domains. WebPagetest offers many such reports which can be used to optimize the Site.

Image Credit: WebPagetest

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