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One way of optimizing social growth

All of us who use the social networks to further a cause, whatever it might be, are also acutely aware of the accompanying headaches. Analytics, metrics, Likes, Follows, Shares, one needs to constantly evaluate & re-evaluate the efforts being put into social media.

There are many tools & services out there that offer automated, free & premium analysis of how well you are doing on your social networks. Thus, there are many ways of optimizing your social growth. Added to this long list now is followerwonk, a new web service that  helps you “explore & grow your social graph.”

Once you sign up for followerwonk, you can dig deeper into Twitter analytics & understand among many issues, who your followers are, their location, & when do they tweet. This new web service also helps you fund & connect with new influencers in the niche you operate in. It even helps you understand how many followers you have gained or lost over a certain period.

The website is part of the MoZ service offered by the Seattle, US-based SEOmoz, Inc.

Image Credit: followerwonk


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