JS MobileConsole allows remote debugging of Web apps on mobile browsers

The JS MobileConsole is a console that allows developers to remotely debug Web apps using mobile browsers.

The console works just like remotely debugging Web apps Online on a desktop Chrome browser. The difference is that this is a JavaScript console built to run on mobile browsers on Android & Safari for iOS.

The files you need are available on the project’s GitHub page, & getting started is very simple. Include the CSS file in your page HTML, & the console itself can then be used without the need for any modular system.

This is how you integrate it:




It’s not hard to understand the appeal of a JS Console you can use on mobile browsers. Instead of lugging around your laptop all over the place, you can now continue coding & debugging even while you’re on the road with only your smartphone.

JSmobilecontrolIf you’re stuck in an airport waiting lounge or in a plane for hours with nothing else to do, might as well get some work done. You can use the console to test & debug new code even without Internet connectivity or access to a web browser.

It will catch errors & function exactly as a native JS console in a standard web browser.

The API allows you to show or hide the console, & include options to initialize the console or show it by default. It can also output all the logs you’ve written using an API of window.console.

The JS MobileConsole project’s developer is Binary Studio, an international software development company with offices in Donetsk, Ukraine; Bratislava, Slovakia; & London, UK.

Binary Studio was founded in 2005 by Artyom Goncharov & Anton Duzenko. Goncharov is the company’s CEO & Duzenko is the CTO.



Image Credit: GitHub/JS MobileConsole


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