Startup ecommerce search engine challenges Google and Bing in product search


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WYOMING, Del., March 4, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — With over 200 million products currently available from over 8,700 merchants, the benipal ecommerce search platform promises a better user experience than its competition. Built around contextual, self healing relationship search with natural language capabilities based on advanced machine intelligence and deep learning, the platform was in development for over 4 years and went through several iterations before the alpha version was unveiled.

At the heart of this new ecommerce search engine is the ability for users to search “any which way they like”, be it by unique identifiers, brands, product models, specific products sold only by specific merchants or brands, color, size, price and any combination thereof. Complementing the highly advanced search algorithm is the search engine’s interactive User Interface (UI) that assists and helps users hone their searches to quickly find the products they need with minimal clicks to finish their purchase.

The more complicated the query, the better the results.

benipalpageStarting with ecommerce product search and based on the strength of its search algorithm, the benipal ecommerce platform promises a revolutionary image search engine and highly advanced travel and local search next.

“Google and Bing deliver this impression of being fair and balanced, but that is not true. They are massive advertising platforms that happen to be search engines, pushing merchant products higher or lower based on their PPC bid revenue.”

Google is fond of saying, as they stated before the United States Senate Committee, that users have a choice to go somewhere else and only come to them for their superior search. Microsoft says something similar with its “Don’t get Scroogled” campaign, but for people who know search, they are both two sides of the same coin.

Unfortunately, there is not much competition, since they both give a higher preference to their own verticals instead of any competing website.

My algorithms do something which has been the so called holy grail in search, “understanding user intent and the meaning of the query itself”. I do that exceptionally well. Analyzing the question, no matter how long, understanding it first, changing the query multiple times internally since each result set changes the meaning over and over again, and finally providing the answer with a unique contextual interface is what sets me apart.

benipal does what IBM’s Watson cannot, deal with messy real world data. Simply tuning the benipal search platform for similar public datasets as Watson, would beat Watson hands down on any parameter, any day, at 1/10th the capital cost. Unfortunately, thus far, winning Jeopardy to prove a point is not on my list of to do things.

The benipal search platform will be in beta soon, so here is to an open challenge to Google, Bing and even Watson, compete with me on my search technology, and let the world decide who is better.

Sukhbir Benipal

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