Access old Facebook ‘Likes’ with LikeManager

likemanagerHave you ever wondered whatever happens to all those links, images & Pages you have ‘Liked’ on social network Facebook?

It’s common for most of us to ‘Like’ something & move on. But now there’s a startup called LikeManager that helps you travel back in time & rediscover such old ‘Likes’. You can thus bookmark the old links for fresh usage.

Here’s what you can use this new startup for:

As a bookmarking tool. Just like the links you’d like to find later and they will be available to search, sort and click later on.
As a research tool for going through hundreds of links. LikeManager can help you keep those organised.
As a search tool. You can use LikeManager to navigate through the things that matter to you like YouTube videos, news links & more.

The new startup is a product of Portugese firm ColorElephant which provides services & products to businessnes.

While it’s free to register to use LikeManager, you do need to pay fees to uncover your previous ‘Likes’. Why? In the team’s own words: We’d rather charge you a few bucks and have you annoyed for that than going around and selling your data (email, etc) for money to actually pay our incredible staff, keep our servers running, etc.


Image Credit: LikeManager


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