Tag Archive for Unsubscriber

Get rid of unwanted newsletters from your Inbox using the Unsubscriber app

Getting newsletters is something that all of us have got used to. But sometimes, we end up requesting emails that turn out to be “unwanted” pieces of word junk, which we would gladly get rid off at a later stage but don’t, either because of lack of time or knowledge.

Now, there’s a Web app called Unsubscribe that does this for you. It works not only with Gmail but also with Yahoo, AOL, Outlook & the iCloud. Once you sign up, it will create an “Unsubscribe” label on the left side of your Inbox. Then, all you need to do is just move unwanted messages to this folder, & the app takes care of the rest. Simple way of simplyfying your Inbox.

What’s more, new emails from that sender are also routed to your Unsubscribe folder. The app then notifies the sender that you want to be removed from their list.

Unsubscriber has been developed by the Texas, US-based OtherInBox, makers of innovative email apps that help sort your electronic mail better & more efficiently.

Image Credit: OtherInBox

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