Tag Archive for search engines from Russia


New search engine NeuroMama says will change the way people Search

It’s been a while since some exciting news has filtered in from the world of Online search. So here it is…..there’s a new search engine launched last week called NeuroMama that claims to have many “firsts” to its name (and that’s what got our attention).

NeuroMama says it is the 1st to be listed on any US stock exchange in the past decade or so. But more important than that, it’s main claim to fame, it says, is that the search engine works on a technology called neural networking (explained later in this profile). Well, that’s not all. One more plus in this company’s favor is that Online privacy of a user is its priority & so it does not record the IP addresses of searchers.NeuroMama

When you go to www.neuromama.com, you are greeted with a funky little backdrop from outer space with the words NeuroMama scrawled across it. This search engine has many aspects to it. To begin with, you can conduct your search in English, Russian & Spanish. Then, you can have your very own Neuro Mail account. There’s a separate section called Neuro Finance where you can even search for business including stock market reports, exclusively.

One does not have to necessarily register (it’s free) to use this new search engine but registration has its own benefits. Company President & Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Mr Weselovsky says what is also innovative about his search engine is its marketing strategy which is based on the Frequent Flier incentive program that many airlines have. So you need to register & subsequently log in to get those benefits. Under this marketing plan, users who use the engine for their search needs will get FSR – Frequent Searcher/Shopper Rewards. “Users will automatically accrue loyalty awards redeemed for Android tablet computers, phones, gift certificates for travel and vacations. Other Frequent/Shopper Rewards are coming,” according to Mr Weselovsky.

Oh, by the way, if you are greeted with the image of a clown when you visit the website, that’s because this Russian search engine has deployed the services of Cirque de Soleil star, Vladislav Myagkostoupov and well known Russian clown Leonid Leikin to promote and market the company.

Now, coming to the bit about neural technology. The new search engine uses neural technology to incorporate the search habits & preferences of users into its decision-making “thought processes”, which will enable it to eventually catch up with its competitors on the search robot learning curve.”

A neural network is “a system of programs & data structures that approximates the operation of the human brain, & involves a large number of processors operating in parallel. Neural technology-based computer systems are designed around very complex mathematical algorithms and are programmed to “learn over time” from people using these systems.

Suffice to say, it will second guess what you are looking out for, going by past search patterns & your surfing experiences.

Image Credit: NeuroMama



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