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Simplicity is this Cloud-based text editor’s USP

Online typing tool

TypWrittr is a free Cloud-based text editor designed to make Online writing easy & simple. All you need to do is open up the Web tool in a browser & start writing.

You begin by signing up with your email or your Facebook account, & you’ll be sent straight to the simple text editor which saves all your files & settings securely on the Amazon Cloud. You won’t find row after row of buttons & preferences & toolbars on this text editor. It has only 4 buttons & a text box for typing.

The 1st one is for creating a new document while the 2nd is for saving it. The editor automatically saves your work too, & the file name is the 1st line you type on the document.

Again, the focus here is on making it as easy as possible with the tool taking care of everything else, leaving you free to start typing the instant you log in.

The 3rd button opens up your file repository, which is the collection of all the documents you have created & saved under your TypWrittr account. Note that there are no folders inside, so all your documents are shown in a simple list.

Granted it doesn’t have any bells & whistles. But the simplicity is intentional & likely to appeal to you if you want a text editor that lets you type without getting in your way.

The 4th button opens up your preferences settings. You can use it to choose your theme (more than 20 available), width, background, text color, line height, borders, etc.

The ability to set the width is particularly helpful when you want to open up multiple documents for editing using TypWrittr. You can open up as many documents as you want, each in its own browser window, & work on all of them at the same time.

Remy, the tool’s creator, has kept it free & ad-free & entirely without any limitations. You can, of course, make donations that will help keep TypWrittr operational & fund improvements to the Cloud-based text editor.

Image Credit: TypWrittr

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