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Flipboard introduces ‘Topics’, powered by millions of curators

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Palo Alto, California, Oct. 30, 2014, PRNewswire: Today Flipboard, Inc. unveiled the third generation of its poplar personal magazine for mobile phones and tablets. Central to this new experience is the addition of more than 34,000 “topics” that can be followed to more quickly tailor Flipboard to each reader’s specific interests. Topics are filled with stories, videos and images being shared on Flipboard and curated into any of the more than 10 million magazines made by readers. Using the Zite technology to index content, Flipboard can surface great, handpicked stories to readers and deliver a broader audience to magazine makers on Flipboard. This people-powered network of content is indexed by algorithms and presented to Flipboard readers through new topic tags on stories and in search.

Flipboard Topics

Now, with topics, when you are browsing Flipboard and come across the amazing articles and videos people have picked, it reminds you that finding the best stories can’t just be done with algorithms alone. There is no algorithm for important or cool—it takes a human perspective. The magazines on Flipboard create these great packages, on just about anything you can imagine, that you can’t find anywhere else,” said Mike McCue, CEO and Co-founder of Flipboard.

Starting today, when people launch Flipboard, they can select topics from the new Topic Picker. They can also search to find a topic or tap on topic tags shown on articles. It’s easy to follow any topic with the new “follow” button. As readers flip through a topic, they’ll see who first shared the article and the name of the magazine it was shared in. Then, if they want to look at the magazine, they can simply tap its title. This deeper level of discovery lets people explore stories and find magazines—while giving magazine makers even more exposure and reach.

The topics engine is based on a technology developed by Zite and is available in English to readers in the United States and Canada at launch. Flipboard acquired Zite from CNN earlier this year.

The Daily Edition

This third generation of Flipboard also introduces the Daily Edition, a news magazine for people who want a quick update on top stories in categories such as world news, sports, business and entertainment—delivering a fresh, focused experience. Flipboard’s team of in-house curators releases a new edition each day at 7 a.m. local time; breaking news stories are added around the clock. In addition to news, there is also a daily audio track and a “parting GIF.”

A Beautiful, Faster Phone Experience

With 70 percent of people on Flipboard now on smartphones, this third generation has beautiful new designs and simplified user interface optimized for the phone. Examples of this include:

  • Upon opening Flipboard, readers are immediately in their Home, a stream of content personalized for them based on the sources, topics, magazines and people they follow on Flipboard.
  • A new tab bar gives readers quick access to the key elements of Flipboard on a phone: Home, Search, Profile, and Notifications.
  • Adding stories, videos and photos to Flipboard magazines is simpler with a single-step “flip” interface. In addition, the new release features beautiful new covers and provides readers with basic analytics quantifying each magazine’s followers, viewers and more.

Finally, with this edition, Flipboard is moving to a “follow” model. For the first time, Flipboard suggests topics, magazines and people to follow, including magazine makers recommended by the editorial team. Flipboard will also recommend people to follow based on someone’s Twitter and Facebook friends if those social networks are connected to Flipboard.

About Flipboard

Flipboard is the world’s most popular personal magazine. It gives people a single place to keep up on the topics, news and events they care about. People using Flipboard can follow their favorite sources from around the world and then collect stories, images and videos in their own magazines. They can then share their magazines to reflect their interests and express their perspectives, or simply save things they want to enjoy later. Start by downloading Flipboard at www.flipboard.com.

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Emergent.info is the place to verify the authenticity of Online “news”

stop online rumors

It`s often the case that a rumor gets picked up on the Internet & overtime, turns into “news”. So how does one differentiate? After all, you can’t trust everything you read on the Net, right? Now, there’s a real time rumor-tracking Site called Emergent that will help you know the difference.

Emergent is part of a research project with the Tow Center for Digital Journalism at Columbia University that focuses on how unverified information & rumors are reported in the media. It aims to develop & best practices for debunking misinformation.This Site to stop Online rumors from masquerading as News is the brainchild of journalist & fellow at Columbia University’s Tow Center for Digital Media, Craig Silverman.

Emergent works through a combination of human & algorithmic processing. Silverman & a research assistant gather rumors that are being reported, almost, always from social media Sites. Silverman & his research assistant search Google News, an aggregator of various news outlets’, for the various takes on the story. They, then enter these stories into a database, & the stories that need to be debunked are assigned a “truthiness rating.” This allows them to track stories which (a) claim to be true (b) which ones debunk the story (c) which ones are just re-reporting the original story.

Once this is over, the algorithm then takes over. Emergent.info is essentially a Web app, built on an API from the back-end database. Every hour, Emergent.info’s script crawls the stories to see whether their text has changed. The system also checks share counts to monitor how stories are moving through the social media ecosystem.

Here’s how to Use Emergent:

  • You can view a list of rumors being tracked on the home page, along with their current claim state (True, False, Unverified).
  • Click on a story to visit a page that visualizes the sources reporting the rumor, and a breakdown of social shares per source.
  • You can also click on individual articles on the story page to see specific revision and social share data about that article.

Basically, Emergent is all about trying answer a simple question – Is it (the story) true?

Rumors & unverified information emerge constantly & spread over social networks, via messaging apps & through word of mouth. They cascade across borders & social circles with incredible velocity, all the while picking up new elements, morphing, or being confirmed or debunked. The two-month old Emergent claims to be the place where you can confirm the veracity of the information.

Image Credit: Emergent

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