Tag Archive for data mining


A new search engine is born. This one is for data

One would like to think that all search engines unearth data. The guys at this new search engine Datafiniti want to drive in the point, though. The tagline of Datafiniti reads – The search engine for data.

Based in Austin, Texas, USA, Datafiniti claims to have indexed a lot of data from a “million different Online sources”, & continues to do so. As of now, this new search engine is focused on providing data related to 3 categories – business, people & product.

So how is this new Internet startup different from others of its ilk? First & foremost, you need to pay for data unearthed by Datafiniti, though the rates are not all that prohibitive. See how it works in the video below:

Here’s how this new Internet startup claims to be different from other search engines:

cooltext921482906Search for your data quickly:

Traditional providers force users to browse through a giant catalog of lists. This takes time & feels like a chore. With Datafiniti, just put in search terms & retrieve the data set in seconds. Users will see a quick preview of the data, along with counts, fill rates, and pricing. Within seconds, they can purchase & download the data directly from their emails.

Richer, more comprehensive data:

By indexing data from the entire web, Datafiniti claims to find attributes that don’t exist anywhere else.

More accurate data:

These guys claim to have compiled data from the entire Internet. They claim every record can be fact-checked against numerous sources, including primary sources like a business’ own website.

Constant updates:

Datafiniti’s databases are updated daily.

Needless to say, data has taken on priority in our day to day lives, so it is but obvious for search engines like Datafiniti to sprout up to cater to this demand.

Image credit: Datafiniti
Video credit: Datafiniti/Vimeo


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