Archive for Most Useful Startups

Give you startup a name using NameFoo

namefooNaming a startup can be as difficult as naming your child. You have to look at various aspects like the length of the name, its relevance to your business, & so on & so forth.

Now, if you don’t have a good name for your startup, there are chances of many things going wrong. Then, to top it, many good & unique names have already been taken making you job that much more difficult. A good name is necessary for your startup to take off well. To simplify this issue, there’s now a startup name generator, NameFoo.

NameFoo will help you get some ideas on the name you are looking out for, or least give a good start. It’s very simple to use, just enter a name relevant to your startup in the search-type bar, & it throws up results based on different oddly spelled versions of that name. It also returns some interesting suffixes.

I tested this site & it gave me some very interesting results. I entered the word ‘Couch’. I got some pretty interesting names which can be a good idea for startup. Names like Couchpilot, Couchrocket, Couchchimp (Personal favorite) & even Couchzilla.

Some names are taken from famous Sites or startups but this gives a clear idea of what the name should be. It’s a good way to tease your brain into thinking a good name for your startup. If you are looking for a name for your startup, you need to check out NameFoo here.

Image Credit: NameFoo

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