Archive for Digital World News

US is No: 1 source of risky or dangerous apps in the world, says security firm

An oft-held view that the risk of using mobile devices was limited to jailbroken or rooted devices in Asia, & to apps that were downloaded from fly-by-night app stores other than Apple App Store or Google Play, has been challenged by new research.

According to the California, USA-located Marble Security, a firm that specializes in mobile devices security, it had been found after analyzing over a million apps available on the North American versions of the Apple App Store or Google Play, that most never required a jailbroken or rooted device. Marble Labs has determined that more than 40% of the “dangerous apps” on these stores were developed by publishers based in the United States.

This came as a surprise to Marble’s analysts, who before examining the data would have
perhaps bet that most malicious apps originated from publishers in Eastern Europe or Asia. While China, Korea, India & Taiwan do generate a great number of malicious or risky apps, their combined total did not amount to that of the United States, claimed this report.

Marble Security said this research underscored the fact that consumers & businesses
needed to pay close attention to what apps they downloaded onto their mobile devices, & how those apps used or rather “misused” personal data.

What is a Malicious or Highly Risky App?

For this study, Marble Labs examined apps that were malicious or highly risky. These were apps that, among other things:
• Sent user’s private data without their knowledge
• Copied contact databases & sent them to untrusted locations on the Internet without the user’s knowledge
• Sent users’ browser histories over the Internet
• Installed helper apps to display unwanted advertising
• Communicated prohibited tracking information, including hardware identifiers
• Send premium rate SMS messages to defraud consumers


risky mobile apps

The report said it was a common belief that Chinese or Russian app developers were responsible for the majority of malicious apps. While that could be true for malware that targeted jailbroken iPhones or rooted Android mobile devices, Marble Securities said when its team had looked at apps that were available on legitimate app stores for non-tampered devices, the story was very different.

In fact, United States companies published the largest number of malicious or highly risky apps in the world, the research found. More than 42% of global dangerous apps that target non-jailbroken & non-rooted devices originated with companies or publishers purportedly located in the United States.

China was the second largest publisher of malicious and highly risky apps for standard iOS & Android devices, at almost 18% of the world’s output. India, Korea & Taiwan followed, with approximately 4.5 % of all published apps from those countries categorized as highly risky & malicious apps, said the report.

Image Credit: Marble Security

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Using Adaptive Images makes designing responsive Website easy

Adaptive Images is a script that easily solves the whole problem of scaling images for responsive Website design.

Images scalingIt detects your visitor’s screen size & automatically generates & delivers appropriately scaled versions of embedded HTML images anywhere on your website.

Now there are many ways, both server side & client based, that have used by developers working on providing responsive Website design.

The problem, of course, is that it gets insanely complex depending on the size & type of Site. Not to mention the fact that after working hard to enable detection of desktops, smartphones, Tablets & other types of existing devices, the design is obsolete whenever a new device to access Websites pops up next in the market.

This is where Adaptive Images solves the problem easily by eliminating all the hard work. All you have to do is add one htaccess file & one PHP file to your Web server, & add a single line of javascript into the head tag in your Webpage index template.

The script swings into action anytime a visitor accesses your Website. It detects the device, picks up the embedded HTML images on the page, creates the required re-scaled images matching the device, caches them & delivers them for display in the browser.

Adaptive Images is device agnostic & implements a mobile-1st philosophy, which means it works nicely on devices with small screens with low bandwidths where it takes time to load a page.

Usually, a desktop-centric site that is loading images that are too big for a mobile device with a slow connection will lead to UI lag, which in turn means visitors lose interest before the page loads & you lose a lot of potential customers.

Adaptive Images handles such problems without having to offer a simplistic Website to other users with larger devices & faster connections. This is one of the core problems that you have to tackle when creating a responsive Website design.

The installation & use is easy enough, but you do have the ability to customize it a lot more if you want more features. For instance, you can change the quality of the JPG, Gif & PNG images generated by the script on a scale of 0 to 100, with 100 being the best.

You can also optionally sharpen re-scaled images & set the time value for how long you want the browser to cache the generated images.

Adaptive Images was developed by web developer Matt Wilcox, & is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

You can see all the different versions on the download page.

Image Credit: Github/Adaptive Images

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